Monday 7 May 2012

..::PriNceSs's NevER L0Se HopE::..

kita selalu dengar..
when there's a life..
then there's a hope..
princess mmg sgt berpegang pada
quotes yg satu ni..
sbbnyer kita kan ada banyak matlamat hidup..
tp kita selalu setkan dlm mind..
that's just a dream..
and it's really impossible..
but don't u know?
once u choose hope,
then everything's possible..
tp princess ada pendapat sendri..
sesetengah org akn ckp..
impian xkan jd kenyataan..
why not?
kalau org lain boleh..
kenapa tidak bg kita..
org2 mcm ni dia tersilap tau..
dia ckp..
i'm hoping that blaa...bla.. bla..
i'm hoping for bla.. bla..bla..
but it never work out..
the reason why he failed..
is because he's not hoping..
he's actually begging..
dia ada beza tau mengharap dgn meminta..
hoping comes with effort..
bila kita ada matlamat..
kita harap utk capai matlamat tu..
kita akn letakkan usaha yg setimpal
dgn apa yg kita nak tu..
meminta ni mcm beggars la..
nak itu..nak ini..
wish itu..wish ini..
tp hidup? tindakan? usaha?
so marilah kita sama2..
list down apa hope kita..
then sama2 kita usahakan..
HOPE ni magic tau..
when the whole world said "no! impossible"
then HOPE will whisper to you.."try it one more time"

hermm that's all from princess today..
let us become,,
a beauty with a brain..
not a beauty with a stain..

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